At Distribution Technology, we are looking for a long-term relationship with clients, with the goal of providing exceptional service that will elevate them to their next desired level of growth and continued development. We understand that if they grow, we grow. In other words, our success is linked to theirs. Our clients need a seamless supply chain that continues to flow and a third-party logistics partner that meets their demands.
We want to be that company, and in our extensive experience with a wide range of industries in our more than 50 years in the third-party logistics industry, we have expanded our knowledge about how to ensure a good match and relationship between our clients and us.
During our discovery process, we ask lots of questions up front to determine if we are the best company to successfully meet our customers’ needs. We have found that choosing the right partners nurtures longevity in our business relationships and cultivates growth in their businesses and ours.
Specifically, we ask what type of business is it, and what do they do? Who are their customers? Do we have the experience necessary with their kinds of products to be able to meet their needs?
Our facilities hold a variety of products across a broad range of industries, so we need to find out what they need us to handle and where we need to put it. Most importantly, what is the product made of? If the product can contaminate food, it cannot go into one of our food-grade facilities, it must go elsewhere.
During our new-client onboarding process, our goal is to become experts in our customers’ fields, so we ask about their goals, challenges, and specific requirements of their business or industry. The more we learn about the businesses that approach us, the better we can serve them, and the greater success we all have.
We also ask if they have used third-party logistics companies and how their experience was with them. For example, what problems did they encounter? What worked well? What do they expect from a third-party logistics provider?
Location is key! We are very interested in their attraction to Charlotte and in what is driving them here. Where is the outbound site? Why are they interested in Distribution Technology?
Prospective clients’ answers will help us determine how their company’s needs fit with our business, just as they will discover if Distribution Technology will be a good fit for them. How much warehouse space, manpower, and equipment will be required? What technology is involved? How does reporting go? How viable is the company? In what direction is it heading? How can we support the company’s goals?
We have 50-plus years of experience with a large variety of industries, from small, local startups to large, multinational corporations. After we become well-informed about a prospective client’s field, we assume an advisory role. We take the vast knowledge we have gained from working with clients in their industry and apply it to help them achieve their goals.
Distribution Technology’s cross-pollination of ideas keeps companies from having to reinvent their supply chain every time their goods or raw materials need to be transported, and it is a tremendous advantage that can transport your business to new heights!